Monday, June 27, 2011

Everyone in the U.S has been Murdered- more at 10:00

Am I the only one who knows that the media doesn't tell the truth? I mean actually FABRICATES the "news", not just embellishes, not just add some spin, but actually make stuff up.

My case and point is the "Flood". I still have people who come to open house comment on how well we have rebounded from all of the destruction. DESTRUCTION? Huh? Not one house on Mud Island got water in its finished floor. Not one, yet there are tons of people out there that still think we, along with the rest of Memphis, got completely destroyed. Folks, Memphis is still here- the flood was a non-event created by the media. Period.

I noticed about 6 years ago that the media, both national and local, seemed to be ramping up their capabilities to depress people- giving a steady stream of BAD news. "Bad News" that doesn't make a hill of beans to anybody is reported as if every ones life depended on it. A murder half way around the world makes headlines. A gang member takes out another gang member- who cares?I am not in a gang. I don't know people who are in gangs. What's it to me? People have become scared to travel, to buy houses, let their kids out to play, go to the store, ride down the street, take a hike- to do just about anything. I turned off my news. Really, I did! I cancelled our subscription to the newspaper both the Commercial Appeal and the New York Times. I turned off ALL news stations on the TV, in fact I bought a ROKU player and only watch movies from Netflix- that way I don't have the commercial interruptions trying to sell me pharmaceutical drugs to ease my physical aiments from being depressed and stressed out.

The media is controlled by only 6 corporations and if you were to look at them hard to would probably find all six linked together. They have an agenda and it is to scare you to death- or at least make you ill.

The good news is you can turn it off.

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